Zucchini died

In recent years, due to the continuous expansion of the area of ​​vegetables, the ensuing diseases have gradually increased, especially the problem of dead trees in zucchini, which is a headache for many vegetable farmers. Some time ago, the author received a phone call from a friend in Jiyang County, Jinan City, and said that the problem of dead trees in the local squash was serious. Combined with the experience of planting summer squash in Shouguang City, some methods have been summarized for reference.

1. Fertilization Due to the application of excessive chemical fertilizers, soil compaction and harmful bacteria are increased, and beneficial bacteria are reduced, making the disease worse. Mainly organic manure and biological bacteria fertilizer, 600 to 800 pounds of bio-organic fertilizer per mu or 5 to 8 squares of decomposed chicken manure, 200 to 300 pounds of chitin base fertilizer, 50 to 100 pounds of silicon-calcium fertilizer, 30 pounds of potassium sulfate, Turn into the soil and then ridicule to prepare for planting.

Second, colonization choose 5 ~ 7 days of good weather colonization, the Miao Tuo do not rush to buried soil after the hole, hole Shi Nong 4th, chitin root bactericidal treasure + thiophanate + streptomycin mixed with water Each seedling hole irrigation 3 to 5 two, etc., 2 to 3 days after the root tip reveals the earthworms after the cover soil (remember not to bury all the earthworms, exposing the ground 1/3 to 1/4), then watering, etc. 10 ~ After 15 days, cover the film.

Third, the combination of slow seedlings combined with drugs to irrigate the root 2 to 3 times, control effect is more obvious. The drug has Xiangnong 4 800 times or chitin root bactericidal treasure + anemomycin + metalaxyl, with the combination of the above two drugs can be alternately rooted.

Fourth, watering and fertilizing should be based on rooting before years ago, with fertilizers containing amino acids or humic acid, if the conditions can always use the best chitin fertilizer (such as sea power), because chitin can produce a payline Bacteria can inhibit the occurrence of Fusarium, Pythium, and Phytophthora, both inhibiting bacteria and conditioning the soil. (Remember not to flood, must be based on the actual situation of pouring water, in order to prevent the increase in humidity caused by bacteria infection)!

In addition, the spleen disease can also lead to the occurrence of dead trees in zucchini. The disease mainly damages leaves and stems, followed by melon strips.

Leaves attacked, resulting in near-circular or irregular shaped lesions, sometimes lesions appear "V" shaped or semicircular lesions inward from leaf margins, light brown to tan, later lesions easily broken, disease There is no obvious spot ring pattern, and many small black spots are scattered above the lesion.

Stem damage occurs in the joints or near the joints, began to appear oily spots, oval or spindle-shaped, slightly concave, gray to dark brown, secrete an amber flow of glue material. After drying, it was reddish-brown, and the diseased part shrivelled and cracked. A large number of small black spots were scattered on the surface. When it was severe, it could cause stalk rot. Guatiao was killed and melon was pale brown.

Control methods: chemical control, early onset, can be sprayed with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP wettable powder 500 to 600 times, Manchuling WP 800 to 1000 times or 40% Nova Emulsion 10000 times, every 4 to 5 days Spray once, spray 3 to 4 times.

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